Our Mission

Cornerstone Community Church exists to make disciples who delight in, display, and declare the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.


As followers of Jesus Christ, we delight in God as the greatest treasure in the universe. Nothing in this world can satisfy us more than knowing God and experiencing the love he has shown us through Jesus Christ. We find all of our joy and satisfaction in the God of the gospel. We have been created and redeemed to worship him and delight in his salvation.


As followers of Jesus Christ, we display the transforming power of the gospel. The gospel not only saves us, but it changes us to be more like Christ. By the grace of God as we behold the glory of Jesus Christ and apply the truth of God’s Word to our lives, we become more like Jesus. God’s Spirit leads us in walking by faith, fighting sin, and joyfully obeying his commands.


As followers of Jesus Christ, we declare God’s goodness found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The church witnesses to the glory of the gospel through corporate and personal evangelism. Having received God’s grace, we pursue the lost and declare the good news, extending grace to our surrounding community and beyond.

What is the Gospel?

The message at the heart of Christianity is the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the true story of the unexpected way God restored a broken relationship with a rebellious humanity through the death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus. And like every really powerful story, it demands a response.